
Thursday, September 18, 2003


d minority race of humanity is being trapped by the human computers.

these are humans that have abandoned their own human race to become like computers. they did it willingly becos unlike humans, they will never die. d human computers overthrew the human leaders and rule the universe. everything else is emotionless.

d minority race of humanity is being trapped by the human computers.

2 lovers. seeking 2 pursue their dreams together. But they are constantly on the run becos human computers hate love, romance, friendship. There's no such thing as emotions to them. Nt only that... they dun wish for humans to fall in love.. becos that will mean more humans would be multipled on this earth.

the guy's father is hoping 2 overthrow the present ruler.. then he will finally marry his dream gal.. n they will no onger be on the run.. on the escape.. in the hide..


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