Beware! Long entry ahead...

It wasn't an excellent film but I kinda enjoyed it. The main gist is that the character goes back in time to try & change things around him. But the transformations often led to undesirable consequences. It really made me questioned the whole big "what if" idea? What if i didn't do this, what if i didn't do that, things will be so different...
We shouldn't look back in the past & regret all the decisions we made. But being human, it's only natural that we wish we could change a slice of our past, dun we?
I was just thinking...
- What if i had just gone straight to poly instead of JC after my Os?
Possibility of present: Working right now maybe in food science field, pursuing my part time degree?
- What if I had been accepted into NIE after my As?
Possibility of present: Started to teach in a primary school, marking lots of scripts everyday...
- What if I had chosen to study Hospi instead of Mass Comm?
Possibility of present: Meet a whole new set of friends and be on a total different career route altogether
The list could just go on... But at the end of the day, it's a simple realisation that God allows things to happen for a reason and purpose. Every different set of experience u go thru just makes you think more of life, learn to deal with it better(hopefully).
Of course, another thought just came up in my head. Our free will & God's intercession in our lives. How much of our free will affect the consquences of the events in our lives?
Alright, i am probably boring you out with this entry but I just had to get it off my chest. This whole concept just blows me off sometimes.
Caught that show in the cinema.. we went in late and a fren tried to bluff us that the show was abt 2 butterflies flying in the park, that's why it's called butterfly effect.. how lame is it?!
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM
the post isn't boring at all. i actually thought of a couple scenarios of my life, after watching the movie. who knows, you could have gotten into an accident, and died by taking another path in life.
you never really know.
Justin, at 10:54 PM
how abt...
-what if i thank the person by treating him lunch?
possibility of future: saving a broke guy frm starving and satisfying his cravings 4 sharks fin & abalone.
icchan CXHA, at 12:53 AM
Michelle: Ha.. Oh ya, i think you told me about it. But do you like the show? it doesnt seemed like ur kind of stuff though
Justin: Hey thanks for dropping by though i have no idea how u came to my blog. =) Thanks for saying its not boring.. kinda put a smile on my face
Ah Hao: what if i not treat the person to the meal he wants
possibility of future: he will use his own money to buy the food he wants.. hahaha
Anonymous, at 1:34 AM
The butterfly effect is a good show.
Anonymous, at 12:17 AM
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