Time flies...

Ha.. met Lyn & Raj in time to have lunch with them. Was kinda glad to talked to them though they have been so stressed at work. In fact, they told me the segments that i was in charge of have been scrapped off cos they have no time to do it at all.
Lynn was so jealous of me, saying i look so much more radiant than when i was at work. Ha..Well, did i look that bad at work? Gee... i think it's just because i slept more last nite and was so relieved tat i had handed in my SIP report.
Anyway, after talking to them, I realised i actually quite miss the duo lor cos they are just so fun-loving and talk about the weirdest stuff. Maybe because we are all so stressed that we have to find things to amuse ourselves.
Anyway i ate Biz school fried rice today and my! I never realised it's so nice.. shall eat it more often in future, before i depart TP.
I think my favourite word is time flies.. but it's really true cos ya in a few months' time, we will all be exiting from TP....
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