An analogy of stomach pains
Word of caution: This entry is not meant for the faint-hearted
How do you describe the pain you're in?
Isn't it hard 2 describe it cos' the threshold for pain varies individually. But it seems easier to explain it in like
1. The feel-like-shitting(not my sister whose name happens 2 be shiting, i kid u not :P) kinda pain but usually quite common. cos it's the daily bowels. After it's been cleared, you feel quite fine.
2. The wanna lau say feeling.
It's rushes to you & if you dun visiit the loo in the next min, you noe your pants will be doomed.
3. The gu-lu gu-lu sounds
It's not a pain.. You're hungry.
4. Menstrual cramps pain
Men will never understand it but it usually rumples & makes you feel bloated. Like there's a lot of water in you.
5. Sharp pains
Now this is tricky, usually it's gastric I think but could be otherwise..
Like ytd, i had claypot rice & shared some carrot cake with louis & dan for dinner. So it was confirmed nt gastric. I din under-eat but din over-eat either cos i rem that I din finish the rice in my claypot. So if I din under-eat or over-eat, what could it be? My dad was like: Is it menses? -_-'' I took panadol and fell asleep on my sister's bed. The strange thing is how come when you're asleep , you can't feel the pain? Just when everything was fine, suddenly i heard a shout "Hey! You sleepin here arh? Then I sleep on your bed lar.."
The pain came back when I awoke. -_-'' It's at such moments that I feel murderous but well my sister is a nurse, so it's best not 2 harm her but rather seek her advice when I'm sick. So anyway, I told her abt painkillers and she was like "Please lor..panadols dun work" and passed me carbon pills. Funny thing is she actually dropped the bottle of water before passing to me. Talk about being professional.
But I woke up quite queasy tis morning. So cldnt join Pris & gang. Hmm, feel quite bad abt it but was worried something cld happen 2me along the way.
Till now, I'm puzzled at what happened last nite. Maybe it's just bad case of indigestion.
How do you describe the pain you're in?
Isn't it hard 2 describe it cos' the threshold for pain varies individually. But it seems easier to explain it in like
1. The feel-like-shitting(not my sister whose name happens 2 be shiting, i kid u not :P) kinda pain but usually quite common. cos it's the daily bowels. After it's been cleared, you feel quite fine.
2. The wanna lau say feeling.
It's rushes to you & if you dun visiit the loo in the next min, you noe your pants will be doomed.
3. The gu-lu gu-lu sounds
It's not a pain.. You're hungry.
4. Menstrual cramps pain
Men will never understand it but it usually rumples & makes you feel bloated. Like there's a lot of water in you.
5. Sharp pains
Now this is tricky, usually it's gastric I think but could be otherwise..
Like ytd, i had claypot rice & shared some carrot cake with louis & dan for dinner. So it was confirmed nt gastric. I din under-eat but din over-eat either cos i rem that I din finish the rice in my claypot. So if I din under-eat or over-eat, what could it be? My dad was like: Is it menses? -_-'' I took panadol and fell asleep on my sister's bed. The strange thing is how come when you're asleep , you can't feel the pain? Just when everything was fine, suddenly i heard a shout "Hey! You sleepin here arh? Then I sleep on your bed lar.."
The pain came back when I awoke. -_-'' It's at such moments that I feel murderous but well my sister is a nurse, so it's best not 2 harm her but rather seek her advice when I'm sick. So anyway, I told her abt painkillers and she was like "Please lor..panadols dun work" and passed me carbon pills. Funny thing is she actually dropped the bottle of water before passing to me. Talk about being professional.
But I woke up quite queasy tis morning. So cldnt join Pris & gang. Hmm, feel quite bad abt it but was worried something cld happen 2me along the way.
Till now, I'm puzzled at what happened last nite. Maybe it's just bad case of indigestion.
Dear DAJIE, although you anyhow spread news about me, but I forgive you and will still support you. XIE XIE~~~ Anyways are you OK? Dont faint OK, if you do, try not to put me as the one on your last dialed list. Hmmm.
Anonymous, at 1:30 AM
haha thanks!!! i dun care, even if you're not the last no on my phone, i will still call ya. :P
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
Anonymous, at 11:29 PM
could it be food poisoning? my dad's a health inspector n he said food poisoning only happens 12 hrs after the food is consumed. take care~~
Anonymous, at 12:19 PM
carmen: wow.. alexis! tats a rare comment from ya.. i was tinking also. i felt better next day lar.. hmm i also nt sure.. but my friend who ate some stuff as me was alright..
Anonymous, at 12:17 AM
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