I present to you...

Tada!!! Jealous?? Envious?? It's not photoshopped k! If it is, I will look less fat & my hair wun be so messy.. Hahaa..
I just realised Kelly is caught in the picture too.. Stare carefully... And so is Wei Lian's hair. :P
I'm excited again! 4 of my friends are getting married! As in 2 couples lar... but I know all 4 of 'em personally, so i feel v. happy for them...
Suddenly, I cannot imagine how it will be like to attend some of my friends weddings..
Ally & Faith - We will finally see them in skirts! woohoo!
Cheok - Me calls Cheok "Hey, where are you? Your wedding has started & you're not even here yet!"
Adib - Before he takes photos with each table's guests, he will take off his specs.
Yeow Ann - We'll see him in a matrix suit
Michelle Lim - During the march in, guests cannot stand up. If not, they cannot see her.
Darren - While waiting for the bride to come. "Since everyone is still waiting, lemme tell u guys a joke.. Have you heard of the butter joke? Don't spread it k?"
Hahhaaa...Okay my cough is making me go nuts!
p/s: Cheok, if you're reading this entry,yes, I was filming Junyang that day & I don't know why I was wearing this yellow gag shirt AGAIN. I guess it's for continuity.
Haaaaaaa ...

Tada!!! Jealous?? Envious?? It's not photoshopped k! If it is, I will look less fat & my hair wun be so messy.. Hahaa..
I just realised Kelly is caught in the picture too.. Stare carefully... And so is Wei Lian's hair. :P
I'm excited again! 4 of my friends are getting married! As in 2 couples lar... but I know all 4 of 'em personally, so i feel v. happy for them...
Suddenly, I cannot imagine how it will be like to attend some of my friends weddings..
Ally & Faith - We will finally see them in skirts! woohoo!
Cheok - Me calls Cheok "Hey, where are you? Your wedding has started & you're not even here yet!"
Adib - Before he takes photos with each table's guests, he will take off his specs.
Yeow Ann - We'll see him in a matrix suit
Michelle Lim - During the march in, guests cannot stand up. If not, they cannot see her.
Darren - While waiting for the bride to come. "Since everyone is still waiting, lemme tell u guys a joke.. Have you heard of the butter joke? Don't spread it k?"
Hahhaaa...Okay my cough is making me go nuts!
p/s: Cheok, if you're reading this entry,yes, I was filming Junyang that day & I don't know why I was wearing this yellow gag shirt AGAIN. I guess it's for continuity.
Haaaaaaa ...
What if it happens before my wedding?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!? Rmb to say xie xie to Kelly.
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM
den even better siah!
hahhaa i did thank her..
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
hahaha...carmen chen...VERY FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHA!
Anonymous, at 10:03 PM
hahaha...carmen chen...VERY FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHA!
I will wear shorts underneath...like our primary sch days!
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM
wear shorts underneath?? siao liao lor.. haaaa
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
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