Bags for sale

Black Beauty - Original Price : $30, Christmas Discounted: $27
Labels: bags
Black Beauty - Original Price : $30, Christmas Discounted: $27
Labels: bags
11 of us. =)
Grad Serve 2006
Tears, joy, laughter. The funny train rides we had. The makan times. And the late nights we all spent trying to finish our given assignments. (Ooops!)
Grad Serve was a short 3-month stint for the 11 graduates of us from different polytechnics who came together to be involved in the polytechnic ministry on a full-time basis.
Though the time was short, I truly enjoyed the times I spent with every Grad Servant.
When we started, it was very tough for many of us. But as time got by, we gained courage and strength from one another. Of course, there were moments of tension and discontentment but well, we sorted out things out along the way. (I hope. :P)
As last week was the final week of Grad Serve, though I am not very upset but certainly got a lot of 不舍. Know I am gonna miss them and the noise we create in the office.
Like I know from now on, everyone will go a different path, to studies, to army or work. But my prayer is that we all continue to reach out to the lost wherever we may be.
As for me, I have also taken the road less traveled. I will continue my full-time mission work in Youth for Christ till end of this year and likely till next year. It is certainly with much prayer and guidance that I sought this option. It might be hard for others to comprehend my choice but I know what the Lord is leading me to.
And with this new step I will take, I am sorry to say to all my blog fans (if I have any), that I will stop blogging for a while. Think I’ve lost the passion to blog and will take a short hiatus. How long I will be away..I won’t know.. but when I am back, I will let you guys know! (If anyone is still interested to reading…ha)
Take care, till then.
(Photos for you 2 see whom I have been spending time with)