[taken off bin's blog]
ethnicity: Chinese
eye color: Black
hair color: now its brown
height: 1.69 - 1.7m
glasses or contacts: glasses
piercings (if none, would you?): Ya! planning 2 get
tattoos (if none, would you?): Maybe stickers!
shoe size: 7 & 7 1/2
thing you've eaten: Oyster from ou luok stall
person you've called: Ally
person that called: Ally
movie you rented: Mystic river?
show you've watched: House of Fury (gillian is hot!)
thing you did with your friends: talk on MSN.. we r forever talking
time you laughed: while talking on MSN
time you fell: i almost fell several times this week but haven...
time you showered: a few hrs back
person you've shared a drink with: cheokie
time you've seen snow: Nov 03 in korea
time you've seen hail: never see before!
song you've listened: Jimmy Ye's song
song you've had stuck in your head: The NKF song
song you've downloaded: i dun d/l songs. pple d.l for me :P
CD you've wanted but haven't bought: Jacky Cheung's DVD!
time you've fought with someone: verballY? all da time!
fallen in love: yeah
gone on a date: yeah..just went for speed dating..hahaa
gone to a party: arh boh.. even threw one on sun!
wished on a shooting star: YAH!!!
taken a vow of silence: Si mi?
cheated on a test: think so...shsshhh
cried after watching a commercial: who will?
had your heart broken: Arh boh..
had a job: Yeah! full time CMM student
cooked a full meal for guests: steamboat counted?
laughed and couldn't stop: YES! this morning when my sister said her bf looks like Bae Yong Jun
pulled an all-nighter: u mean 2 nites?
watched the sunrise: Ya lor.i think waste of time. i rather zzzz
watched the sunset: Ya..
been to an exotic place: China?
been swept away by a current: no la... choi!
been on a freefall ride: yeah.. the theme parks in australia
stolen something: someone's heart? oops....
broken something out of anger or sadness: cun rem... probably did
pinched yourself to see if you were dreaming: no , i slap myself
cussed someone out: No..
bungee-jumped: no la
had an imaginary friend: Yeah
had a crush on a teacher: hahahahaa.... maybe?
[DO YOU...]
have a BF or GF: No
have a crush on someone: I am not sure
wish you could live somewhere else: Erhhno...
think about suicide: Not now...
believe in online dating: Ha.... how abt chatline?
find yourself attractive: not really...
drink (alcohol): Noope
do drugs: Noope
smoke: No, only in exams & when i cun think of wad to say
like house cleaning: Depends
wait online all day for one person: hahaha. yes!
save IM conversations: Yahhh
ever cry because of what someone said: i just felt like doing so a few hrs back
color your hair: yah!!
Habla Espanol?: no no no
Parlez Francais?: si mi?
what kind of shampoo do you use: something
what kind of soap do you use: something
what are you most scared of: God?
what car would you like to have: anithing, its more impt tat i learn 2 drive
where do you want to get married: in singapore?
where do you want to live: in singapore?
where do you want to have your honeymoon: Sentosa? haha..no maybe some nice beach??
what/who makes you laugh the most: all my friends!
what/who makes you smile: Leehom
what/who gives you a "special feeling" when you see them: Leehom? Ha Ha
is most likely to become an athelete: Cynthia?
is most likely to become a model: Shallyn?
is most likely to become an actor/actress: Amin?
is most likely to become a millionaire: Yuhui
is most likely to marry a millionaire: Yuhui's future wife
is most likely never to get married: yours truly
is most likely to become famous: Bernard or Adib
is most likely to become infamous: Cheokie for pla..ha ha ha
have you known the longest: Michelle
is the shyest: Ally?
is the weirdest: Jun Bin
me or you: si mi?
cold or hot: depends..
pool or hot tub: hot tubb
shower or bath: shower
on or off: huh?
open or closed: closed
water or tea: tea
fruits or vegetables: Vegetable
tv or movie: movie
radio or CD: CD
say more or IM: IM
phone or IM: nowadays IM
cookies or cake: bread
food or drink: drink..teh ping!
baseball or soccer: how abt swimming?
football or basketball: basketball!
tennis or pickleball: tennis?
school or work: attachment
cash or check: cashcard
blonde or brunette: brunette
hug or kiss: hug! cos u can hug all ur frens!
ocean, lake, or pool: Ocean's Eleven?
florida or san jose: Florida
old or young: Young
summer or winter: Summer
spring or fall: Fall
day or night: Night
sunrise or sunset: Sunset
math or science: Math
english or history: English
music or art: Music
coke or pepsi: Coke
dr. pepper or root beer: Rootbeer
7up or sprite: Sprite
smoothie or juice: juice
cursive or print: Print
lace or satin: lace... er maybe satin..how abt silk?
flowers or candy: flowers!
long distance relationships: not too long, okay
using someone: against la!
killing people: Against!
smoking: Against
doing drugs: Against
driving drunk: Against
of times you've had your heart broken: cun rem...
of continents you've lived on: singapore is not continent!???!!
of CDs you own: 100 i think? but half of it is my sister's
of scars on your body: NOne?
wearing: nothing? u wish...
eating: NOthing
drinking: nothing
thinking about: sleepinG!
[Something important on your desk]: my h/p
[When you sleep you wear]: clothes la
[If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy]: many many clothes!
[If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to]: Love?
[One person you have killed in your thoughts]: Huh...
[What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship]: Someone to turn to when u r bullied, sad & angry
[Three traits you look for in a friend]: Honesty, integrity & humour!
[Who makes you laugh most often]: For now, its cheokie!
[A friend who you can tell anything]: Michelle & JB & Ally
[The best piece of advice you have been given]: "Go get a job during the holidays" (I haven gotten one, btw)
[The friend who uses most of your energy]: Pi li huo cos he makes me laugh & cry at the same time for the past few years.
[A friend you can be totally retarded (edit: crazy) with]: Many!
[Your 3 best qualities]: Independence? reliable? responsible?
[Your 3 worst qualities]: Talk 2 loud? Naggy? worry easily
[The greatest physical pain you ever endured]: when i had my last...
[The greatest emotional pain you ever endured]: hmmm..
[Your best physical feature]: My height?
[Who/What makes you happy]: Everything!
[Who/what makes you sad]: Many things too!
[Emotion you hide most]: sadness
[The emotion you tend to experience most]: confusion
[When you are angry you need]: 2 scream!
[When you are sentimental you need]: 2 cry...
[When you are in love you need]: brains 2 be sane!
Yeah I finished the quiz! now i can sleep... hopefullY!