me & xiuyi pretending 2 be sales girls. ha

here's whu whu.
looks nerdy, acts nerdy n is nerdy! haa..but actually he plays basketball too and occasionally cracks us up with his silly jokes.
ktv king! talks very excitedly about everything~~ ha, new fren i met this hols. din realise he's in biz school too
roger: funny & sensitive but can be qt hiao too..oopz. but nice brother 2 chat too guess becos we r the oldest in the grp. haa
james: be amused by his queer mannerism & behavior. but a joy 2 be with cos he just blurts out farnie stuff now & then..ahaa.
joe dan: new fren i have met.. dun noe him very well yet but he's really sporty & outgoing!
pris:nice sweet responsible gal whu just joined the rebonded gang with me!!
dawn: soft-spoken, totally opposite of me but quite nice 2 talk 2 as well. 2bad she's leaving campus next sem..boo hoo
iris:big sister 2 all of us. has alot of ideas n alot of knowledge but when she starts talking at times...she cun stop..gee
qiaoli:cherry! farnie, loud & friendly! just like me. bt beneath this 19 year old, is a very mature soul =)
xiuyi:smiley, someone whom i dun spend alot of time with but yet have lotsa things 2 share cos of our common interests. really glad 2 have her arnd in TP.
realli happie 2 have enjoyed this hols with 'em!